The Out N' Aboot Story

Explore Canada with Stuart and Missy as they immerse themselves in the diverse experiences this beautiful country provides. Dive deeper into their adventures and get to know this dynamic duo better.

Welcome to Out N' Aboot

Our story began in the colourful town of St. Catharines, Ontario, where Missy and Stuart Crawford, a spirited couple with a shared passion for exploration and discovery. Always passionate about traveling, their shared love for adventure and storytelling formed the foundation of what was to become Out N' Aboot.

In 2022, after years of sharing their stories and experiences with their family and friends, they decided it was time to extend their circle. With a leap of faith, they took their passion to a broader platform. They wanted to inspire others, make them laugh, teach them something new, or let them escape for a little while. That's when Out N' Aboot was born.

A Window Into The World

Out N' Aboot isn't just a travel diary; it's a vibrant montage of life seen through Missy and Stuart's adventurous lens. From leisurely cruising the turquoise waters of the Caribbean to exploring the myriad of sights and experiences in their 45-foot motorcoach across the vast and diverse United States, they bring you along on their thrilling escapades.

But the story doesn't stop there; they also guide you through the rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and warm hospitality that Atlantic Canada has to offer. Out N' Aboot is more than just the places they've been; it's about the people they've met, the cultures they've delved into, and the unforgettable memories they've crafted.

POTA & WWFF Activation At Cooper Marsh Conservation Area

Parks On The Air, WWFF and Lighthouse Activation In Rimouski, QC

This One Thing Is Often Overlooked By Almost All POTA Operators

More To Life

In the autumn of 2022, after a successful run in the fast-paced world of information technology, Missy and Stuart Crawford decided to redefine their lives. They sold their highly accomplished MSP marketing company, Ulistic, marking the end of a remarkable journey spanning over 30 years. The sale was more than a business transaction; it represented a shift in perspective, a new chapter in the Crawford's life story.

Missy and Stuart were deeply entrenched in the dynamic and ever-evolving IT industry for three decades. They thrived in the exciting challenge of keeping up with the pace, always at the forefront of innovation and change.

However, the intense race, while exhilarating, was not without its demands. During their IT career, the Crawfords lived in Florida for seven years, far from their native land, Canada.

As they worked diligently to make Ulistic a success, they also longed for the familiar landscapes of their home country. This longing spurred the decision to sell Ulistic and return to Canada, and more importantly, a newfound realization.
The Crawfords understood that life is about more than career success or keeping up with the fast-paced world of technology. It's about making memories, experiencing the world, and living fully. They realized they had missed the world's beauty, the joy of exploration, and the excitement of new experiences.

Returning to Canada, they embraced a slower pace of life, one where they could cherish each moment, each experience, and each memory. The decision to leave the rat race behind wasn't a retreat but a brave step towards a more prosperous, fuller life.

Now, they dedicate their time to what truly matters: travelling, exploring, learning, and, most importantly, sharing their adventures with the world through Out N' Aboot. They have embarked on a new journey not defined by professional milestones but by the stories they create, the experiences they share, and the memories they make.

And so, the next chapter begins. The Crawfords invite you to join them on this exciting journey, to step out of the fast lane, to savour life's experiences, and to make your own memories. Because life, as they've discovered, is much more than a race. It's an adventure, and they can't wait to share theirs with you.
Discover Canada with Out N' Aboot
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