Going Solar in Moncton?

Explore the comprehensive 2023 guide on going solar in Moncton. Learn about solar panel installation, cost, benefits, local incentives, and more to make your transition to renewable energy seamless and efficient.

Going Solar in Moncton? Top Considerations for a Smooth Transition

Going solar in Moncton can be a wise decision for homeowners looking to reduce their environmental impact and save on electricity bills. As the city experiences a fair amount of sunshine, it offers ample opportunities for utilizing solar energy. Installing a solar power system contributes to a greener future and provides significant financial benefits.

Moncton's solar potential allows a 1kW solar system to produce about 1,144 kWh annually. This means that by taking advantage of this renewable energy source, you can significantly lower your energy consumption from conventional resources. Embracing solar power in your home offers an eco-friendly alternative while yielding long-term savings on your energy bills.

Key Takeaways

  • Moncton's solar potential helps homeowners save on electricity costs and reduce environmental impact
  • A 1kW solar system can produce roughly 1,144 kWh per year in Moncton
  • Exploring government incentives and finding the right installer are crucial steps in going solar

Why Go Solar in Moncton

As a Moncton resident, going solar is an excellent choice for your home or business. There are numerous benefits, including cost savings, environmental impact, and the province's high solar energy potential. This section'll discuss the many reasons for installing solar panels on your Moncton property.

First, congratulate yourself for living in New Brunswick, which has exceptional potential for solar energy production. The province is ranked as the sixth-highest in Canada for its ability to produce solar power, receiving more solar irradiance than most other regions. This means your solar panels will receive ample sunlight to provide clean and efficient energy to your home.

Switching to solar energy has long-term financial benefits. By generating your electricity, you'll reduce your dependence on the grid and save on your energy bills. New Brunswick ranks high among provinces for its financing options and net metering policy, making solar installation even more affordable and practical for you.

The environmental impact of going solar is significant as well. Solar panels produce clean, renewable energy, lowering your carbon footprint and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By using solar energy, you'll be contributing to a greener and more sustainable future for Moncton and the planet as a whole.

Finally, it's essential to consider the increasing demand for clean energy and its impact on property value. Homes and businesses with solar panel installations have been shown to have higher resale values, making solar energy a smart investment for your future.

In conclusion, going solar in Moncton is a wise decision for various reasons. From cost savings to environmental benefits, there's no better time to switch to clean energy.

How Solar Energy Systems Work

Solar energy systems harness the power of the sun to produce electricity for your home or business. They have three main components: solar panels, inverters, and energy storage. This section will explore each of these components and how they work together to create a reliable and efficient energy source.

Solar Panels

Solar panels are the most visible part of a solar energy system. They comprise photovoltaic (PV) cells that convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity. When sunlight hits the solar panels, the PV cells generate an electric field that causes electrons to move, creating DC electricity. There are a variety of solar panels available, with monocrystalline and polycrystalline being the most common types. They differ in efficiency, appearance, and cost.


Once the solar panels have generated DC electricity, it needs to be transformed into alternating current (AC) electricity to be compatible with appliances and the electrical grid. This is where inverters come in. Inverters play a crucial role in a solar energy system's efficiency and overall performance.

There are two main types of inverters used in solar energy systems:

  • String inverters: These inverters are connected to a group of solar panels, typically in a series. They convert the combined output of the group into AC electricity.
  • Microinverters: These inverters are connected to each solar panel individually. They offer more flexibility and efficiency, especially when the panels are subject to shading or different levels of sunlight exposure.

Energy Storage

Energy storage is an optional yet valuable component of a solar energy system. Battery storage units store excess energy generated by your solar panels during the day so that it can be used during periods of low sunlight, like at night or on cloudy days.

Several energy storage systems are available, like lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries. Each type varies in cost, efficiency, and lifespan. Adding an energy storage system to your solar setup allows you to maximize your system's efficiency and take advantage of programs like net metering if available.

By understanding how solar energy systems work and the components involved, you can make a more informed decision about going solar in Moncton, ensuring an efficient and sustainable energy solution for your needs.

Choosing the Right Solar Installer

Certifications and Experience

When looking to go solar in Moncton, choosing a solar installer with the proper certifications and experience is essential. Look for companies with a proven track record of successful installations and satisfied customers. It's recommended to select an installer with certifications such as the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) or similar credentials, as they indicate a high level of expertise.

Warranty and Maintenance

A quality solar installer should offer a solid warranty and maintenance plan for your solar system. The typical warranty period for solar panels is around 25 years, while inverters and other components usually have a warranty of 10-15 years. Ensure the company provides a comprehensive maintenance plan, including regular cleaning, inspection, and repair of your system to keep it functioning efficiently.

Financing Options

Finally, explore the various financing options when selecting a solar installer in Moncton. It is crucial to choose a company that offers multiple financing alternatives, such as loans, leases, or power purchase agreements (PPAs). Depending on your financial needs and long-term goals, a reputable solar installer should be able to customize the best financing solution for your solar project.

Government Incentives and Rebates

As you consider going solar in Moncton, you must be aware of government incentives and rebates that can help reduce installation costs and make solar energy more affordable. This section'll discuss provincial and federal programs available for solar energy users in New Brunswick.

Provincial Programs

New Brunswick has a variety of provincial programs that can help you defray the costs of solar installations. One such program is the New Brunswick Home Energy Assistance Program, which grants eligible low-income households various energy efficiency upgrades, including solar energy systems. Stay informed about current offerings, eligibility criteria, and application deadlines by visiting the official government websites.

Federal Programs

The Canadian government offers various incentives for solar energy adoption at the federal level. The Canadian Homeowner Incentive is an attractive program that can provide up to $5,000 in grants for energy-efficient retrofits, including solar panel installation. Additionally, you may be eligible for tax incentives and deductions related to purchasing and installing a solar energy system. Consult a tax professional or an authorized solar installer to understand all applicable federal incentives and rebates fully.

In conclusion, maximizing government incentives and rebates can significantly reduce the initial cost of installing solar panels for your home in Moncton. Regularly check official resources and stay up-to-date on the latest programs to benefit from available grants and incentives.

Cost and Savings

Initial Investment

Going solar in Moncton, New Brunswick, involves an upfront cost that varies depending on the size and type of your solar power system. Factors such as the quality of solar panels and inverters, the complexity of installation, and available government incentives can all impact the initial cost. While the exact price may differ, investing in solar can offer long-term financial benefits.

Return on Investment

With the average annual production of a 1kW solar system in Moncton being approximately 1,144 kWh, you will notice significant savings on your electricity bills. The return on investment (ROI) will depend on factors such as:

  • System size
  • Electricity consumption
  • Electricity rates

Remember that solar panels have a lifespan of around 25 years, and as electricity rates continue to rise, your savings will only increase over time.

Environmental Benefits

Besides the financial benefits, investing in a solar power system reduces your carbon footprint and promotes a sustainable environment. Solar energy is a clean and renewable power source, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels. Going solar, you actively contribute to a greener and healthier planet for future generations.

Installing Solar Panels

Going solar in Moncton has several steps that ensure you make the most of your investment. This section will provide an overview of the process to guide you to a greener and more self-sustainable future, focusing on three main sub-sections: Site Assessment, Permits, and Grid Connection.

Site Assessment

Before installing solar panels on your property, evaluating the potential for generating solar energy in your specific location is essential. A professional solar installer can help you determine the optimal layout, size, and orientation of the solar panels based on roof type, shading, and available sunlight. It's important to note that the average solar system in Moncton can produce approximately 1142 kWh of electricity per kW of solar panels per year.

Solar installers typically assess the following for your site:

  • Roof conditions: The type, condition, and direction of your roof significantly impact the efficiency of your solar system. A south-facing roof with a suitable slope will yield the best results.
  • Shading analysis: Shadows from trees, buildings, and other objects can reduce the amount of sunlight received by your solar panels, negatively affecting their performance. Accurate shading assessment helps identify optimal positioning for the panels.
  • System size: The installer will recommend a size that best suits your needs, considering energy consumption and available space.


Once you have completed the site assessment, you must obtain the necessary permits and approvals before installing. The process will vary depending on your location but generally includes:

  1. Building permit: Acquired from your local building department, this permit ensures that your solar installation complies with safety and structural requirements.
  2. Electrical permit: This permit from your local electrical authority ensures that the system's electrical components meet the relevant safety and technical standards.

Work closely with your solar installer to ensure you complete and submit all required paperwork correctly, and be prepared to address any questions or clarifications that may arise.

Grid Connection

After installing solar panels and obtaining the necessary permits, the final step is connecting your solar system to the electrical grid. The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Inspection: A representative from your local electrical authority will inspect and approve your system before it's connected to the grid.
  2. Net metering application: Apply for a net metering program offered by your local utility to benefit from feeding excess energy back into the grid in exchange for credits on your energy bill.
  3. System activation: Once your system passes inspection and is connected to the grid, you can use and benefit from clean, renewable solar energy!

By following these steps and working closely with your solar installer, you'll be well on your way to a greener and more energy-efficient lifestyle in Moncton.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to install solar panels in Moncton?

The cost of installing solar panels in Moncton depends on various factors, such as the size of your system, installation type, and equipment and labour costs. To give you an idea, a 1kW solar system in Moncton would produce about 1,144 kWh/yr. It's advisable to receive a quote from a solar panel installer to understand the expenses for your specific needs better.

What are the incentives and rebates available for solar in New Brunswick?

New Brunswick offers some incentives and rebates for going solar, including financing options and net metering policy. The province ranks #10 in the country for installing solar power systems. Researching the current incentives in place and consulting with a solar professional to ensure you maximize your savings is essential.

Can I sell excess power back to NB Power?

Yes, you can sell excess power from your solar system to NB Power through the net metering program. This allows you to offset your energy costs and receive credits for the surplus electricity you produce.

What is the average payback period for solar installations in Moncton?

The payback period for solar installations in Moncton depends on factors like the size and costs of the system, available incentives, and the amount of electricity you generate. On average, the payback period for a residential solar system ranges from 8-12 years. However, this can vary, and evaluating your situation is crucial to get an accurate estimation.

Where can I find solar panel suppliers and installers in Moncton?

Several solar panel suppliers and installers exist in Moncton and the surrounding areas. To find a reputable solar panel supplier and installer, search online or ask for recommendations from friends and family. Make sure to evaluate your options based on experience, quality of service, and customer reviews to find the best match for your solar needs.

How effective are solar panels in Moncton, considering its weather?

Solar panels can be effective in Moncton despite its variable weather. While Moncton may experience cloudy or snowy days, solar panels can still generate electricity during these conditions, albeit at a lower efficiency. It's important to select high-quality solar panels that handle varying climates to ensure optimal performance.

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